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Starting Positive!

In the past, fishermen have used the color of the morning sky to predict if the day's weather will be suitable for sailing. Like the fishermen, I've found that the day's beginnings paint a preview of its course. Start positive, and it's easier to ride the good vibes for the rest of the day. That's all!


Writing on the Fly!

This website is written using Fly-Publisher, an amazingly simple, yet exceptional tool developed by Laurentiu Dudau. You can find Laurentiu here: www.dudau.com.

Blogging platforms can often be cluttered and complicated, featuring a multitude of widgets and plugins that we might never use. However Fly-Publisher tool emphasize readability, simplicity and usability. This blog platform put the focus on the writing experience, to create a distraction-free writing environment.

The exciting trend towards minimalist, responsive, typographic driven blogging, allows the content to shine. You may already have used some of the major platforms already available, such as WordPress, Tumblr, Squarespace and Blogger, and found they didn't quite fit your needs. Fly-Publisher is one of the best minimalist blogging platforms that pair down the features and focus on the writing, providing a simple tool for collecting and developing ideas, and sharing them with the world.

Writing in Fly-Publisher means a document is as readable as possible, in plain text, reducing the time you spend formatting your blog posts. The dashboard is designed to work like your brain, and encourages you to dump ideas, links, and thoughts into a flow or draft posts. You can then work to slowly sculpt ideas into publishable articles, creating a more organic approach to blogging. There are no distractions, with only the essential styling options available, though articles can be easy written.
Incarca documente
Incarca documente
fisherman phs5
fisherman bcn8
Nu exista varsta pentru un nou inceput!
De ce-am ales eu oare sa incep astfel aceasta poveste!independenta. Poate pentru ca, de 17 ani port, apr
Leru'i Doamne Ler
Un colind de craciun pentru sufletele voastre, un duet cu Mihaela Tatu si Cristian Faur.
Am vrut sa fiu artista - Marea dragoste
Cand sunt mici, mai toate fetitele isi doresc sa se faca "artiste". Si era normal sa-ti doresti sa ...
Leru'i Doamne Ler
Un colind de craciun pentru sufletele voastre, un duet cu Mihaela Tatu si Cristian Faur.
Starting Positive!
This website is written using Fly-Publisher, an amazingly simple, yet exceptional tool developed by Laurentiu Dudau.
Nu exista varsta pentru un nou inceput!
De ce-am ales eu oare sa incep astfel aceasta poveste!independenta. Poate pentru ca, de 17 ani port, apr
Nu am cuvinte...
Una dintre cele mai mari provocari profesionale ca speaker, pe care le-am avut pana acum si pe care ...
De la televiziune la propria afacere
De la televiziune la expert in arta comunicarii. Interviu video.
25 de lectii de viata "prinse" de la Mihaela Tatu
25 de lectii de viata prinse de la Mihaela Tatu
Camino - Drumul catre sine
Camino - Drumul Mihaelei Tatu catre sine insasi
Vorbirea - cel mai important mijloc de comunicare
Am ajuns la o concluzie ferma si evidenta. Vorbirea va ramane cel mai important mijloc de comunicare. Si ...
El rade cu zgomot incontinuu smile
S-a nascut la Brasov, Aldo-Goran. Dar raspunde prompt la Gore-Grigore si toate derivatele, inclusiv mai caine!
De ce Oradea si nu un alt oras?
Este uimitor pentru mine cand, dupa 4 ani de locuit in Oradea, inca mi se mai pune aceasta ...
Sa fii tu insuti
Chiar este o mare provocare sa fii tu insuti
Cat mi-a lipsit!
Cat mi-a lipsit timpul nostru tarziu in noapte, pe strazile pustii, mirosind a lemne-n soba, zahar ars si ...
Suntem rodul alegerilor noastre
Bineinteles ca am dat cu capul de sus de nenumarate ori. Dar nu prea am stat sa-mi numar ...
Suiera vantul prin brazi...
Cautari, introspectii, revelatii, asezare si din nou tasnirea spre lumina.
Am vrut sa fiu artista - Marea dragoste
Cand sunt mici, mai toate fetitele isi doresc sa se faca "artiste". Si era normal sa-ti doresti sa ...
Leru'i Doamne Ler
Un colind de craciun pentru sufletele voastre, un duet cu Mihaela Tatu si Cristian Faur.
Starting Positive!
This website is written using Fly-Publisher, an amazingly simple, yet exceptional tool developed by Laurentiu Dudau.
Despre mine
Emisiuni Canal 33
Despre mine
Esti aici
Emisiuni Canal 33
Despre mine
Esti aici
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